Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I had a little epiphany last night while I was out running. I have been thinking a lot lately about what it is that really attracts to me a man. I know I have talked a lot about this throughout this blog. It it is good thing to apine on is it not? :) I have talked a lot about all my boxes that need to be checked and about the "one thing" and humble strength and all that. All of these are good things. I have another thing to add to the pile.

The man has to inspire me.

I can't quite find the right words to capture the enormity of this for me, but I think that if I distill down all the things that I have talked about in the past, this might be the one thing that I can't live without.

I am inspired by:
  • a man who has strong principles and values and sticks by them
  • a man who will stand up for himself, his friends, his family and me
  • a man who will fight to protect what he believes in
  • a man who has bigger dreams than I do
  • a man who volunteers
  • a man who is more organized, focused and dedicated than I am
  • a man who is more forgiving, patient and understanding than I am
  • a man who sets goals for himself and follows through
  • a man who makes me want to be better
  • a man who encourages me to be better
  • a man who is consistent and steady
  • a man who is respected and liked by his peers

It is funny that my original list of boxes I need checked touches on most of these things, but doesn't quite frame it like this. There are also a lot of boxes that I now realize are very secondary. While it would be nice to have these boxes checked, if the above mentioned items were present, these secondary boxes would most definitely be things that I can live without.