Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some People are lucky, others have to make their own luck

I am not lucky. It is ok, I have come to terms with this fact. Some people are lucky. They seem to glide through life getting everything they want with seemingly little effort. I have had to realize that I am not one of these people. At first I was a bit annoyed, maybe jealous, even angry. There is the temptation to wallow in defeat and be the victim of your own life. But then I put on my big girl panties and manned up (how is that for an interesting mix of sayings).

After realizing I am not lucky I figured out a few things:
1. There is no sense crying about not being lucky, cause you can't change it.
2. People who are not naturally lucky, are not doomed in life, they just have to make their own luck.

Ah ha! More on this later, need to work now.


  1. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

    - Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)
    Roman dramatist, philosopher, & politician

  2. This is probably not what you want to hear, but if you take a step back, you may realize you are pretty lucky after all. You're lucky to have been born with enough brains and backbone to be able to get yourself out of sticky situations. You're lucky to have a great family that has supported you though the ups and downs. You've gone to some pretty good schools and you're on your way up the career ladder. Who knows what's next!

  3. I am dabbling in magic to alter my luck. While I have to bend over backward with spells just to be competitive with the lucky who really don't try AT ALL, at least there are options.

    I've seen jobs opening up after spells. I've seen spells alter my life within 24 hours. Unlucky people need to fully embrace a daily magic routine. It is like the movie Gattica. It is better to be born lucky, but with much psychic effort, you can at least compete with the lucky.

    I now believe most extremely wealthy and successful people really aren't that much more talented than the unsuccessful. Yes, you have to work, but the work is SO MUCH EASIER when you are lucky. When you are lucky the forces of the supernatural step in and open doors and remove obstacles, and they don't even notice it.

    The lucky people at work, they don't notice how easy they have it. They don't put in much effort, or much thought. They just do and things come to them.

    If these people knew they were lucky, they could start a business and become very rich.

    People who survived WWII were lucky, and I don't just mean chance, I mean there were spirits protecting them. This is just one example.

    Luck is REAL and it is born from the spiritual realm. Yes there is chance, but a guiding hand alters that chance so in a way, there is no real chance. Funny how humans mostly have everything backward.
