Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The world turns

I had coffee with a friend this past Friday and we were talking about relationships and she said something that stuck out and has stuck with me.

"There will be a guy for whom the world can not turn fast enough for him to get to you."

We were talking about how to know if a guy is really interested in a relationship. It is a common belief that women over analyze their relationships. Wondering what this thing their guy said or did meant. "Is that good or bad?" "Does that mean he's interested or not?" I have decided that it is true, we do over analyze relationships. Because if we really have to wonder, if there really is that shaky feeling in your stomach, then the answer is no, he is not interested in a more long term committed relationship. (Isn't this a book or something...?)

Deep down we know this is true, but we still over analyze because we are hopeful creatures. We want to keep the hope alive and in analyzing we might be able to find something hopeful to which we can cling. Having hope feels good, or at least we think it feels better than not having hope and going back out there into the scary world alone.

I have seen guys who have found the girl for which the world can not turn fast enough for him to be next to her. I know how they act. I want to be that girl to a guy whom I admire, trust and respect. Sometimes it is hard to keep the hope that it will happen someday.

1 comment:

  1. Trish--your post sparked a memory, and I went back and found an old quote from Jessica Mayer-now-Hendricks junior year of college: "I've decided not to like anybody until he shows interest in me first." apparently we all had a long conversation about the topic of reciprocation/real interest and reading too much into a relationship, because i have a list of examples following the quote. it's good for a laugh--but i think i prefer your more mature, thoughtful insights in this post:) joy
