Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Choosing Courage II

Is it still courage if you don't have any other options left?

Yes, partly because even if you are finally faced with a situation where you have no alternatives, you had to make a series of decisions that led you to that place. And even if each of those decisions was not necessarily a defining courageous act, to finally stand where your only option is courageous tells me that each of those decisions was a small step in that direction.

More interesting logic...

Given a certain situation, maybe you always have more than one option, but some people don't even see all the options because based on their values, upbringing, strength of character, the options that would go against these things never even enter their mind.

Choosing courage

Sometimes you do what is courageous because you have run out of all other options.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some People are lucky, others have to make their own luck

I am not lucky. It is ok, I have come to terms with this fact. Some people are lucky. They seem to glide through life getting everything they want with seemingly little effort. I have had to realize that I am not one of these people. At first I was a bit annoyed, maybe jealous, even angry. There is the temptation to wallow in defeat and be the victim of your own life. But then I put on my big girl panties and manned up (how is that for an interesting mix of sayings).

After realizing I am not lucky I figured out a few things:
1. There is no sense crying about not being lucky, cause you can't change it.
2. People who are not naturally lucky, are not doomed in life, they just have to make their own luck.

Ah ha! More on this later, need to work now.